Exceptional papers will be recommended to be published in the Special Issue "Optimization Algorithms Applied to Sustainable Production Processes" on Processes (ISSN 2227-9717).

Link to the special issue: Processes | Special Issue : Optimization Algorithms Applied to Sustainable Production Processes (mdpi.com)
Optimization algorithms have been successfully used in a variety of applications in the field of engineering, logistics and supply chain management, chemical engineering, biological engineering, energy processes, the environment, economics, transportation, industry production processes, etc. Although there have been successful efforts in both theoretical and applied domains, there are still many outstanding questions regarding energy and sustainable development, as well as sustainable production processes.
The International Conference on Logistics and Industrial Engineering (ICLIE) 2021 (https://iclie-vlu.com/) will be held at Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, August 27–28, 2021.
The ICLIE 2021 event aims to collect high-quality research studies from leading researchers, educators, software developers, and practitioners to discuss current issues and share ideas and experiences on the latest developments in the fields of technology and innovation, technology management, industrial system engineering, logistics and supply chain management, and management sciences.
This Special Issue is being published in cooperation with ICLIE 2021. The authors of outstanding papers related to industrial engineering and supply chain management are invited to submit their manuscripts to this Special Issue for publication.
This Special Issue on “Optimization Algorithms Applied to Sustainable Production Processes” aims to collect high-quality research studies addressing this problem. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Processes for minimizing GHG emissions.
- Renewable energy system design;
- Applying optimization algorithms to sustainable production processes (chemical engineering/biological engineering);
- Multicriteria decision-making models in production processes (ANP/AHP, TOPSIS, DEA model, etc.)
- Sustainable supply chain management.
- Applied operation research to production and service management.
- Sustainability in logistics and supply chains.
- Optimization of Logistics & SCM Systems
- Inventory Management
- Decision Support Systems for Logistics & SCM
Note: The authors of the recommended papers will pay the Article Processing Charge of the Journal as requested by the publisher.